Ped Class

RAGE Plugin Hook Documentation

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Represents a character in the game world.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Rage
Assembly:  RagePluginHook (in RagePluginHook.dll) Version: (0.56.1131.11510)

public class Ped : Entity

The Ped type exposes the following members.


Public methodPed
Initializes a new instance of the Ped class.
Public methodPed(PredicateModel)
Initializes a new instance of the Ped class.
Protected methodPed(PoolHandle)
Initializes a new instance of the Ped class.
Public methodPed(Vector3)
Initializes a new instance of the Ped class.
Public methodPed(PredicateModel, Vector3)
Initializes a new instance of the Ped class.
Public methodPed(Vector3, Single)
Initializes a new instance of the Ped class.
Public methodPed(Model, Vector3, Single)
Initializes a new instance of the Ped class.
Public methodPed(PredicateModel, Vector3, Single)
Initializes a new instance of the Ped class.

Public propertyAbovePosition
Gets a position directly above this Entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyAccuracy
Gets or sets a value indicating how well this instance aims.
Public propertyAlertness
Public propertyAngularVelocity
Gets or sets the rotational velocity of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyArmor
Public propertyBelowPosition
Gets a position directly below this Entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyBlockPermanentEvents

Sets whether permanent events are blocked for this Ped.

If permanent events are blocked, this Ped will only do as it's told, and won't flee when shot at, etc.

Public propertyCanAttackFriendlies
Sets a value indicating whether this Ped can attack other Peds considered friendly to this Ped. Eg. Peds in the same relationship group, or that this Ped's relationship group respects.
Public propertyCanBeDamaged
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity can be damaged.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyCanBeKnockedOffBikes
Public propertyCanBePulledOutOfVehicles
Public propertyCanBeShotInVehicles
Sets a value indicating whether this Ped is able to take damage from gun fire while in a vehicle.
Public propertyCanBeTargetted
Sets a value indicating whether this Ped can be targetted by players.
Public propertyCanDrownInVehicles
Sets a value indicating whether this Ped is able to drown while in a vehicle. The value of this property has no influence on CanDrownOutsideVehicles.
Public propertyCanDrownOutsideVehicles
Sets a value indicating whether this Ped is able to drown while in water, outside a vehicle. The value of this property has no influence on CanDrownInVehicles.
Public propertyCanFlyThroughWindshields
Public propertyCanOnlyBeDamagedByPlayer
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can only be damaged by a player.
Public propertyCanPlayAmbientAnimations
Public propertyCanPlayGestureAnimations
Public propertyCanPlayVisemeAnimations
Public propertyCanRagdoll
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Ped can ragdoll.
Public propertyCollisionIgnoredEntity
Gets or sets the Entity this entity currently ignores collisions from.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyCombatTarget
Gets the Ped this Ped is combatting.
Public propertyCreatedByTheCallingPlugin
Gets a value indicating whether this instance was created by the calling plugin.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyCurrentVehicle
Gets the Vehicle this ped is currently in, or null if this ped is currently not in any Vehicle.
Public propertyDecisionMaker
Public propertyDiesInstantlyInWater
Public propertyDirection
Gets or sets the direction of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyDropsCurrentWeaponOnDeath
Public propertyFatalInjuryHealthThreshold
Gets or sets the fatal injury health threshold for this ped. A ped is considered dead when its health drops below this value.
Public propertyFiringPattern
Sets the firing pattern used by this Ped in fire fights.
Public propertyForwardVector
Gets the forward vector of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyFrontPosition
Gets a position directly in front of this Entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyGroup
Gets the group this Ped is currently in.
Public propertyHandle
Gets the handle of this instance. Used to identify the instance within its pool.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyHasBeenDamagedByAnyObject
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity has been damaged by any Object.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyHasBeenDamagedByAnyPed
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity has been damaged by any Ped.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyHasBeenDamagedByAnyVehicle
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity has been damaged by any Vehicle.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyHeading
Gets or sets the heading of this instance in degrees.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyHealth
Gets or sets the health of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyHearingRange
Public propertyHeight
Gets the height of this Entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyHeightAboveGround

Gets this entity's distance from the ground in 1D on the Z-axis.

The distance is measured from the entity's origin to the surface below the entity (Surfaces include roofs of buildings).

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyInjuryHealthThreshold
Gets or sets the injury health threshold for this ped. A ped is considered injured when its health drops below this value.
Public propertyInventory
Public propertyInvincible Obsolete.
Sets a value indicating whether this instance is invincible.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsAiming
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is aiming.
Public propertyIsAimingFromCover
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is aiming from cover.
Public propertyIsAlive
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is alive.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsAnySpeechPlaying
Public propertyIsArmIkEnabled
Public propertyIsBailingOutOfVehicle
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is bailing out of a vehicle.
Public propertyIsBeingJacked
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently being pulled or otherwise being moved out of a vehicle by another Ped.
Public propertyIsBeingStealthKilled
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently being stealth killed.
Public propertyIsBulletProof
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity can take damage from bullets.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsClimbing

Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently climbing.

A Ped is considered climbing if performing one of the following actions.

  • Climbing up.
  • Vaulting.
  • Stepping up.
  • Stepping over.
  • Climbing a ladder.
Public propertyIsCollisionEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether collision is enabled for this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsCollisionProof
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity can take damage from collisions.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsCuffed
Public propertyIsCurrentWeaponSilenced
Public propertyIsDead
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is dead.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsDiving
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently diving.
Public propertyIsDoingDriveby
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is aiming from a vehicle.
Public propertyIsExplosionProof
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity can take damage from explosions.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsFalling
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently falling.
Public propertyIsFatallyInjured Obsolete.
Gets a value indicating whether this ped's health is below its fatally injured threshold.
Public propertyIsFemale
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is a female.
Public propertyIsFireProof
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity can take damage from fire.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsFleeing
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently fleeing.
Public propertyIsGettingIntoVehicle

Gets a value indicating whether this instance is getting into a vehicle.

Public propertyIsGettingUp
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is getting up.
Public propertyIsGoingIntoCover

Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently going into cover.

Public propertyIsGravityDisabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether gravity is disabled for this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsHangingOnToVehicle
Public propertyIsHeadIkEnabled
Public propertyIsHuman
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is a human.
Public propertyIsInAir (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsInAirVehicle
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is in an air vehicle.
Public propertyIsInAnyPoliceVehicle
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is in a police vehicle.
Public propertyIsInBoat
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is in a boat.
Public propertyIsInCombat
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is in combat. The Ped must be AI-controlled.
Public propertyIsInCover

Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently in cover.

A Ped is considered in cover if it has fully entered the cover state. It is not in cover while moving into cover.

Public propertyIsInCoverFacingLeft

Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently in cover and facing left.

A Ped is considered in cover if it has fully entered the cover state. It is not in cover while moving into cover.

Public propertyIsInCoverFacingRight

Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently in cover and facing right.

A Ped is considered in cover if it has fully entered the cover state. It is not in cover while moving into cover.

Public propertyIsInHelicopter
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is in a helicopter.
Public propertyIsInjured
Gets a value indicating whether this ped's health is below its injured threshold.
Public propertyIsInMeleeCombat
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is in melee combat. The Ped must be AI-controlled.
Public propertyIsInParachuteFreeFall
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is in a parachute free fall.
Public propertyIsInPlane
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is in a plane.
Public propertyIsInSeaVehicle
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is in a vehicle operating on or under water.
Public propertyIsInStealthMode
Public propertyIsInSubmersible
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is in a submersible.
Public propertyIsInTaxi
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is in a taxi, passenger or otherwise.
Public propertyIsInvincible
Sets a value indicating whether this instance is invincible.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsInWater

Gets a value indicating whether this entity is currently in water.

Returns true the moment any part of the entity is touching water.

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsInWrithe
Public propertyIsJacking
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently pulling or otherwise moving another Ped out of a vehicle.
Public propertyIsJumping
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently jumping.
Public propertyIsLegIkEnabled
Public propertyIsLocalPlayer
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is the local player's current Ped.
Public propertyIsMale
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is a male.
Public propertyIsMeleeProof
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity can take damage from melee attacks.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsOnBike
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is on a bike.
Public propertyIsOnFire
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is on fire.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsOnFoot
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is on foot.
Public propertyIsOnScreen
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is on the screen.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsPainAudioEnabled
Sets a value indicating whether pain audio is enabled for this instance.
Public propertyIsPassenger
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently on a non-driver seat in a vehicle.
Public propertyIsPerformingStealthKill
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently performing a stealth kill.
Public propertyIsPersistent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is persistent within the game world. Persistent instances will not be removed automatically during clean ups.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsPlantingBomb
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently planting a bomb.
Public propertyIsPlayer
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is the any player's current Ped.
Public propertyIsPositionFrozen
Sets a value indicating whether the position of this entity is frozen.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsRagdoll
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently ragdolled.
Public propertyIsRecordingCollisions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity is recording collisions.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsReloading
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is reloading.
Public propertyIsRendered
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is currently being rendered.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsRingtonePlaying
Public propertyIsRunning
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is running.
Public propertyIsShooting
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is currently firing a weapon.
Public propertyIsSprinting
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is sprinting.
Public propertyIsStill
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is not moving.
Public propertyIsStopped
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is currently standing still.
Public propertyIsStunned
Public propertyIsSwimming
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently swimming.
Public propertyIsTorsoIkEnabled
Public propertyIsUpsideDown
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity is upside down.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsVaulting
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is vaulting over an obstacle.
Public propertyIsVisible

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is currently visible within the game world.

Invisible instances will still be processed but will not be rendered.

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsWalking
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is walking.
Public propertyIsWeaponReadyToShoot
Public propertyIsWearingHelmet
Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is currently wearing a helmet.
Public propertyJacker
Gets the Ped currently jacking this Ped.
Public propertyJackingTarget
Gets the Ped currently being jacked by this Ped.
Public propertyKeepTasks

Sets whether this Ped will keep tasks assigned.

Public propertyLastDamageBone
Public propertyLastEuphoriaMessageName
Gets the name of the Euphoria message that was last dispatched to this Ped.
Public propertyLastVehicle
Gets the last Vehicle this ped was in.
Public propertyLeftPosition
Gets a position directly to the left of this Entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyLength
Gets the length of this Entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyMaxHealth
Gets or sets the maximum health of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyMeleeTarget
Gets the Ped this Ped is performing a melee attack against.
Public propertyMemoryAddress
Gets the memory address of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyCode exampleMetadata

Gets the metadata associated with this instance.

The value of this property can be used to store data about this instance.
Getting or setting metadata is done using the same syntax as getting or setting a property.
Internally the value is added to a dictionary with the specified property name as key.

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyMinimumGroundTimeForStungun
Public propertyModel
Gets or sets the Model of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyMoney
Public propertyMovementAnimationSet
Gets or sets the AnimationSet used by this Ped for movement.
Public propertyNeedsCollision

Gets a value indicating whether this instance needs collision.

Entities not marked explicitly to need collision will still get collision, however, if other entities need collision, entities not marked as needing collision may lose it in favor of those.

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyOpacity
Gets or sets the opacity of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyOrientation
Gets or sets the orientation of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyParachuteLandingType
Gets the parachute landing type of this Ped.
Public propertyParachuteState
Gets the parachute state of this Ped.
Public propertyPosition
Gets or sets the position of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyQuaternion Obsolete.
Gets or sets the quaternion of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyRearPosition
Gets a position directly behind this Entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyRelationshipGroup

Gets or sets the relationship group of this instance.

Relationship groups indicate the acquaintance between different types of Peds.

For instance, by default CIVMALE and CIVFEMALE are set to respect each other; however, this behaviour can be changed.

CIVMALE could be set to hate CIVFEMALE, and CIVFEMALE could be set to hate CIVMALE, and all civilians would start fighting each other on side, males vs females. (Granted that they're in those respective groups, as males could certainly be added to the CIVFEMALE group.

Groups can also have different acquaintances between each other. For instance, imagine three new groups: DEVELOPER, CUSTOMER and PIRATE, where Peds in the DEVELOPER relationship group hate Peds in the PIRATE group and like (not respect) Peds in the CUSTOMER group. Peds in the PIRATE group like the Peds in the DEVELOPER group, and are neutral towards people in the CUSTOMER group. Peds in the CUSTOMER group like Peds in the DEVELOPER group and dislike Peds in the PIRATE group.

Any Ped in the DEVELOPER group will attack Peds in the PIRATE group on sight, but Peds in the PIRATE group won't attack Peds in the DEVELOPER group because they like them.

Public propertyRightPosition
Gets a position directly to the right of this Entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyRightVector
Gets the right vector of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyRotation
Gets or sets the rotation of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertySeatIndex
Gets the index of the seat this Ped is currently on.
Public propertySeatIndexTryingToEnter
Gets the index of the seat this Ped is currently trying to enter.
Public propertySpeed

Gets the speed of this Entity in meters per second.

This is equivalent of Velocity.Length().

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyStaysInGroups

Sets a value indicating whether this Ped will stay in its group unless explicitly removed.

If the value of this property is false, this Ped will be removed from its group if it gets farther away from its leader than the Group's [!:Rage::Group::DissolveDistance].

Public propertyStaysInVehiclesWhenJacked
Public propertySubmersionLevel
Gets a value indicating how submersed this entity is.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyTasks
Gets an instance of TaskInvoker for this Ped that can be used to invoke tasks on this Ped.
Public propertyUpVector
Gets the up vector of this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyVehicleTryingToEnter
Gets the Vehicle this Ped is currently trying to enter.
Public propertyVelocity
Gets or sets the velocity of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyVisionRange
Public propertyVisualFieldMaximumHorizontalAngle
Public propertyVisualFieldMaximumVerticalAngle
Public propertyVisualFieldMinimumHorizontalAngle
Public propertyVisualFieldMinimumVerticalAngle
Public propertyVoice
Sets the voice of this Ped.
Public propertyWidth
Gets the width of this Entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyWillGetOutOfUpsideDownVehiclesAutomatically

Public methodApplyForce
Applies force to this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodAttachBlip
Creates a new Blip and attaches it to this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodAttachTo
Attaches Entity to another Entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodClearBlood
Removes all blood decals from this Ped.
Public methodClearLastDamageBone
Public methodClearLastVehicle
Public methodClearWetness
Clears the wetness of this Ped.
Public methodClone
Public methodDelete

Deletes this instance.

Any call to a non-existent instance is invalid and will cause an exception.

(Overrides EntityDelete.)
Public methodDetach
Detaches this Entity from whichever Entity it's currently attached to.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDismiss

If this instance is marked as persistent, makes the entity non-persistent. Non-persistent entities will be deleted from the game world during clean ups.

This is equivalent to setting IsPersistent to false.

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDistanceTo(ISpatial)
Gets the distance from this instance to the specified ISpatial instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDistanceTo(Vector3)
Gets the distance from this instance to the specified position.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDistanceTo2D(ISpatial)
Gets the distance from this instance to the specified ISpatial instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDistanceTo2D(Vector3)
Gets the distance from this instance to the specified position.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodEquals(Entity)
Indicates whether the current instance is equal to another instance of the same type.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodEquals(IHandleable)
Indicates whether the current IHandleable is equal to another IHandleable.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodFace(ISpatial)
Sets the orientation of this instance to face the specified ISpatial.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodFace(Vector3) (Overrides EntityFace(Vector3).)
Public methodGetAttachedBlip
Gets the first Blip attached to this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetAttachedBlips
Gets all Blips attached to this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneAxes(Int32, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
Gets the axes of the specified bone. That is, three vectors pointing right, forward and up, relative to the bone's orientation.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneAxes(String, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
Gets the axes of the specified bone. That is, three vectors pointing right, forward and up, relative to the bone's orientation.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneAxes(PedBoneId, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
Public methodGetBoneIndex(String)
Gets the index of a bone of this Entity, given the bone's name.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneIndex(PedBoneId)
Public methodGetBoneOrientation(Int32)
Gets the orientation of the specified bone.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneOrientation(String)
Gets the orientation of the specified bone.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneOrientation(PedBoneId)
Public methodGetBonePosition(Int32)
Gets the position of the specified bone, in world space.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBonePosition(String)
Gets the position of the specified bone, in world space.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBonePosition(PedBoneId)
Public methodGetBoneRotation(Int32)
Gets the rotation of the specified bone.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneRotation(String)
Gets the rotation of the specified bone.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneRotation(PedBoneId)
Public methodGetDrawableVariationCount
Gets the number of drawable variations for the specified component of this Ped.
Public methodGetLastCollision(Vector3)
Gets the last collision of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetLastCollision(Vector3, Vector3)
Gets the last collision of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetLastCollision(Vector3, Vector3, String)
Gets the last collision of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetNearbyPeds
Gets Peds near this Ped.
Public methodGetNearbyVehicles
Gets Vehicles near this Ped.
Public methodCode exampleGetOffsetPosition
Gets a position offset relative to this instance, based on the instance's position and direction.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetOffsetPositionFront
Gets a position that is the specified offset towards the entity's front.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetOffsetPositionRight
Gets a position that is the specified offset towards the entity's right.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetOffsetPositionUp
Gets a position that is the specified offset towards the entity's top.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetPositionOffset

Gets the offset to the specified world position, relative to this Entity.

This is essentially the opposite of GetOffsetPosition(Vector3)

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetTextureVariationCount
Gets the number of drawable variations for the specified component of this Ped.
Public methodGetVariation
Gets the variation of this Ped.
Public methodGiveHelmet
Gives this Ped a new helmet of the specified type.
Public methodHasBeenDamagedBy
Determines whether this entity has been damaged by the specified entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodHasBone(Int32)
Determines whether this Entity has the specified bone.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodHasBone(String)
Determines whether this Entity has the specified bone.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodIsBoneValid
Public methodIsInAnyVehicle
Gets whether this Ped is in any Vehicle.
Public methodIsInVehicle
Gets whether this Ped is in the specified Vehicle.
Public methodIsStandingOnVehicle
Determines whether this Ped is standing on a vehicle.
Public methodIsStandingOnVehicle(Vehicle)
Determines whether this Ped is standing on the specified vehicle.
Public methodIsTouching
Determines whether this entity is touching the specified entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodIsValid
Determines whether this instance still represents an existing entity within the game world. Calls to an invalid instance is illegal and will result in an exception.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodKill
Kills this instance.
Public methodKnockOffBike
Public methodMakePersistent
Makes this entity persistent.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodOpenParachute
Public methodPlayAmbientSpeech(String)
Plays the specified ambient speech.
Public methodPlayAmbientSpeech(String, Boolean)
Plays the specified ambient speech.
Public methodCode examplePlayAmbientSpeech(String, String, Int32, SpeechModifier)

Plays the specified ambient speech.

Public methodRandomizeVariation
Assigns random drawable and drawable texture indices to all components of this ped; however, it will not assign invalid compositions, eg. caucasian head on an african american body. It will not however, ensure non-silly outfits (Player characters in particular).
Public methodRemoveHelmet
Removes this Ped's current helmet.
Public methodResetVariation
Assigns default drawable and drawable texture indices to all components of this ped.
Public methodResurrect
Resurrects this instance.
Public methodSetPositionWithSnap

Sets the position of this Entity to the specified value.

Unlike Position, if the specified position is in the ground, the position will be adjusted to place the entity above it.

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetPositionX
Sets X-component of the Position of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetPositionY
Sets Y-component of the Position of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetPositionZ
Sets Z-component of the Position of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetQuaternionW
Sets W-component of the Quaternion of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetQuaternionX
Sets X-component of the Quaternion of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetQuaternionY
Sets Y-component of the Quaternion of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetQuaternionZ
Sets Z-component of the Quaternion of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetRotationPitch
Sets Pitch-component of the Rotation of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetRotationRoll
Sets Roll-component of the Rotation of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetRotationYaw
Sets Yaw-component of the Rotation of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetTargetableByPlayer
Sets whether this Ped can be targetted.
Public methodSetVariation
Sets the variation of this Ped.
Public methodSetWetnessHeight
Sets the height of the wetness of this Ped.
Public methodTravelDistanceTo(ISpatial)
Gets the distance from this instance to the specified ISpatial instance, if using the road system.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodTravelDistanceTo(Vector3)
Gets the distance from this instance to the specified position, if using the road system.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodWarpIntoVehicle
Warps this Ped into the specified Vehicle.
See Also
