Vehicle Methods

RAGE Plugin Hook Documentation

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Vehicle type exposes the following members.


Public methodApplyForce
Applies force to this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodApplySirenSettingsFrom
Public methodAreAllComponentsBroken
Public methodAreAnyComponentsBroken
Public methodAttachBlip
Creates a new Blip and attaches it to this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodAttachTo
Attaches Entity to another Entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodBlipSiren

Blips the siren.

This is identical to the blip that is played when the siren is briefly turned on and off, but does not turn on the light.

Public methodCreateRandomDriver
Creates a new Ped with a random model in the driver's seat.
Public methodDeform
Applies deformation to this vehicle.
Public methodDelete

Deletes this instance.

Any call to a non-existent instance is invalid and will cause an exception.

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDetach
Detaches this Entity from whichever Entity it's currently attached to.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDetachFromTowTruck

Detaches this Vehicle from the tow truck it's currently being towed by, if any.

Public methodDetachTowedVehicle

Detaches the Vehicle currently being towed by this Vehicle.

This Vehicle must have a towing device.

Public methodDetachWindscreen
Detaches the windscreen of this instance.
Public methodDismiss

If this instance is marked as persistent, makes the entity non-persistent. Non-persistent entities will be deleted from the game world during clean ups.

This is equivalent to setting IsPersistent to false.

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDistanceTo(ISpatial)
Gets the distance from this instance to the specified ISpatial instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDistanceTo(Vector3)
Gets the distance from this instance to the specified position.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDistanceTo2D(ISpatial)
Gets the distance from this instance to the specified ISpatial instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDistanceTo2D(Vector3)
Gets the distance from this instance to the specified position.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodEquals(Entity)
Indicates whether the current instance is equal to another instance of the same type.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodEquals(IHandleable)
Indicates whether the current IHandleable is equal to another IHandleable.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodExplode
Explodes this instance.
Public methodExplode(Boolean)
Explodes this instance.
Public methodFace(ISpatial)
Sets the orientation of this instance to face the specified ISpatial.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodFace(Vector3)
Sets the orientation of this instance to face the specified position.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodFindTowTruck
Finds the tow truck currently towing this Vehicle.
Public methodGetAttachedBlip
Gets the first Blip attached to this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetAttachedBlips
Gets all Blips attached to this instance.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneAxes(Int32, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
Gets the axes of the specified bone. That is, three vectors pointing right, forward and up, relative to the bone's orientation.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneAxes(String, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
Gets the axes of the specified bone. That is, three vectors pointing right, forward and up, relative to the bone's orientation.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneIndex
Gets the index of a bone of this Entity, given the bone's name.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneOrientation(Int32)
Gets the orientation of the specified bone.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneOrientation(String)
Gets the orientation of the specified bone.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBonePosition(Int32)
Gets the position of the specified bone, in world space.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBonePosition(String)
Gets the position of the specified bone, in world space.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneRotation(Int32)
Gets the rotation of the specified bone.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetBoneRotation(String)
Gets the rotation of the specified bone.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetDoors
Gets all doors of this Vehicle.
Public methodGetFreePassengerSeatIndex

Gets the first free index seat of this vehicle.

Does not include the driver's seat.

Public methodGetFreeSeatIndex

Gets the first free index seat of this vehicle.

Includes the driver's seat.

Public methodGetFreeSeatIndex(Int32, Int32)

Gets the first free index seat of this vehicle between the specified indices, both inclusive.

Public methodGetLastCollision(Vector3)
Gets the last collision of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetLastCollision(Vector3, Vector3)
Gets the last collision of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetLastCollision(Vector3, Vector3, String)
Gets the last collision of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodCode exampleGetOffsetPosition
Gets a position offset relative to this instance, based on the instance's position and direction.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetOffsetPositionFront
Gets a position that is the specified offset towards the entity's front.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetOffsetPositionRight
Gets a position that is the specified offset towards the entity's right.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetOffsetPositionUp
Gets a position that is the specified offset towards the entity's top.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetPedOnSeat
Gets the Ped on the seat at the specified index.
Public methodGetPositionOffset

Gets the offset to the specified world position, relative to this Entity.

This is essentially the opposite of GetOffsetPosition(Vector3)

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetPreviousPedOnSeat

Gets the Ped that was previously on the seat at the specified index.

A Ped is considered 'previous' when it leaves the vehicle.

Public methodHasBeenDamagedBy
Determines whether this entity has been damaged by the specified entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodHasBone(Int32)
Determines whether this Entity has the specified bone.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodHasBone(String)
Determines whether this Entity has the specified bone.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodIsLockedForPlayer
Determines whether this vehicle is locked for the specified Player.
Public methodIsSeatFree
Determines whether the seat at the specified index is free.
Public methodIsTouching
Determines whether this entity is touching the specified entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodIsValid
Determines whether this instance still represents an existing entity within the game world. Calls to an invalid instance is illegal and will result in an exception.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodMakePersistent
Makes this vehicle and attached trailer persistent.
(Overrides EntityMakePersistent.)
Public methodPunctureFuelTank
Punctures the fuel tank.
Public methodRepair
Repairs this instance.
Public methodRepairComponents
Public methodSetLockedForPlayer
Sets whether this vehicle is locked for the specified Player
Public methodSetPositionWithSnap

Sets the position of this Entity to the specified value.

Unlike Position, if the specified position is in the ground, the position will be adjusted to place the entity above it.

(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetPositionX
Sets X-component of the Position of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetPositionY
Sets Y-component of the Position of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetPositionZ
Sets Z-component of the Position of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetQuaternionW
Sets W-component of the Quaternion of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetQuaternionX
Sets X-component of the Quaternion of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetQuaternionY
Sets Y-component of the Quaternion of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetQuaternionZ
Sets Z-component of the Quaternion of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetRotationPitch
Sets Pitch-component of the Rotation of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetRotationRoll
Sets Roll-component of the Rotation of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetRotationYaw
Sets Yaw-component of the Rotation of this entity.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodTowVehicle

Attaches a Vehicle to the towing device of this Vehicle.

This Vehicle must have a towing device.

Public methodTravelDistanceTo(ISpatial)
Gets the distance from this instance to the specified ISpatial instance, if using the road system.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodTravelDistanceTo(Vector3)
Gets the distance from this instance to the specified position, if using the road system.
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodWash
Washes this instance.
See Also
