World Methods

RAGE Plugin Hook Documentation

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The World type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberAddSpeedZone
Adds a new speed zone limiting the maximum driving speed of AI-driven vehicles in an area.
Public methodStatic memberCleanWorld
Cleans the world.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleConvertScreenPositionToTrace
Gets a trace start position and trace direction from the specified screen position.
Public methodStatic memberConvertWorldPositionToScreenPosition
Converts the specified position from world space to screen space.
Public methodStatic memberEnumerateObjects
Gets an enumerable collection of the Objects currently in the game world.
Public methodStatic memberEnumeratePeds
Gets an enumerable collection of the Peds currently in the game world.
Public methodStatic memberEnumerateVehicles
Gets an enumerable collection of the Vehicles currently in the game world.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllBlips
Gets all Blips currently in the game world.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllEntities
Gets all entities currently in the game world.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllFires
Gets all fires currently in the game world.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllGroups
Gets all currently existing Groups.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllObjects
Gets all Objects currently in the game world.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllPathNodeIds
Gets the IDs of all path nodes currently loaded.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllPeds
Gets all Peds currently in the game world.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllVehicles
Gets all Vehicles currently in the game world.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllWeapons
Gets all Weapons currently in the game world.
Public methodStatic memberGetBlipByHandle
Gets an existing Blip from the specified handle.
Public methodStatic memberGetClosestEntity(Entity, Vector3)
Gets the closest entity to the specified position, within the specified radius.
Public methodStatic memberGetClosestEntity(Vector3, Single, GetEntitiesFlags)
Public methodStatic memberGetEntities(GetEntitiesFlags)
Public methodStatic memberGetEntities(Vector3, Single, GetEntitiesFlags)
Public methodStatic memberGetEntityByHandleEntityType
Gets an existing Entity from the specified handle.
Public methodStatic memberGetGroundZ
Gets the Z value of the ground surface at the specified position.
Public methodStatic memberGetGroupByHandle
Gets an existing Group from the specified handle.
Public methodStatic memberGetNextPositionOnStreet
Public methodStatic memberGetRandomPositionOnStreet
Gets a random street position.
Public methodStatic memberGetStreetHash
Gets the hash of the name of the street at the given position.
Public methodStatic memberGetStreetName(UInt32)
Gets the name of the street given its hash.
Public methodStatic memberGetStreetName(Vector3)
Gets the name of the street at the given position.
Public methodStatic memberGetWaypointBlip
Gets the waypoint blip set by the player.
Public methodStatic memberIsPathNodeIdValid
Determines whether the specified value is a valid path node identifier.
Public methodStatic memberLoadNorthYankton
Loads North Yankton into the game world.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveSpeedZone
Removes a speed zone given its handle.
Public methodStatic memberSpawnExplosion
Spawns an explosion at the specified position.
Public methodStatic memberTeleportLocalPlayer

Teleports the local player to the specified position.

Public methodStatic memberTraceBox
Public methodStatic memberTraceCapsule(Vector3, Vector3, Single, TraceFlags, Entity)
Public methodStatic memberTraceCapsule(Vector3, Vector3, Single, TraceFlags, PredicateEntity)
Public methodStatic memberTraceExtent(Vector3, Vector3, Single, TraceFlags, Entity) Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberTraceExtent(Vector3, Vector3, Single, TraceFlags, PredicateEntity) Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberTraceLine(Vector3, Vector3, TraceFlags, Entity)
Public methodStatic memberTraceLine(Vector3, Vector3, TraceFlags, PredicateEntity)
Public methodStatic memberTraceLine(Vector3, Vector3, Single, TraceFlags, PredicateEntity) Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberTransitionToWeather
Starts transitioning the current weather to the specified weather, over the specified duration.
Public methodStatic memberUnloadNorthYankton
Unloads North Yankton from the game world.
See Also
