AnimationTask Class

RAGE Plugin Hook Documentation

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Represents an animation task. This class cannot be inherited.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Rage
Assembly:  RagePluginHook (in RagePluginHook.dll) Version: (0.56.1131.11510)

public sealed class AnimationTask : Task

The AnimationTask type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAnimationDictionary
Public propertyAnimationName
Public propertyCurrentTime
Gets or sets the current time of the animation being played by this task, in seconds.
Public propertyCurrentTimeRatio
Gets or sets the current time ratio of the animation being played by this task.
Public propertyIsActive

Gets a value indicating whether this task is active.

A task is considered active if its status is not None.

(Inherited from Task.)
Public propertyIsPlaying

Gets a value indicating whether the animation represented by this task is currently playing.

Public propertyLength
Gets the length of the animation represented by this task, in seconds.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the method that was used to invoke this task. Eg. "RappelFromHelicopter".
(Inherited from Task.)
Public propertyPed
Gets the Ped this task is assigned to.
(Inherited from Task.)
Public propertyPlayRate
Sets the speed multiplier of the animation being played by this task.
Public propertyRemainingTimeRatio
Gets or sets the remaining time ratio of the animation being played by this task.
Public propertyStatus
Gets the current status of this task.
(Inherited from Task.)

Public methodWaitForCompletion
Sleeps the active GameFiber until the task completes.
(Inherited from Task.)
Public methodWaitForCompletion(Int32)
Sleeps the active GameFiber until the task completes.
(Inherited from Task.)
Public methodWaitForStatus(TaskStatus)
Sleeps the active GameFiber until the task reaches the specified status.
(Inherited from Task.)
Public methodWaitForStatus(TaskStatus, Int32)
Sleeps the active GameFiber until the task reaches the specified status.
(Inherited from Task.)
See Also
