PluginAttribute Properties

RAGE Plugin Hook Documentation

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The PluginAttribute type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAuthor
Gets or sets the author of the plugin.
Public propertyDefaultObjectType
Gets or sets the full name of the default type that will be used to represent objects. The type must inherit from [!:Rage::Object]. If null, [!:Rage::Object] will be used.
Public propertyDefaultPedType
Gets or sets the full name of the default type that will be used to represent peds. The type must inherit from Ped. If null, Ped will be used.
Public propertyDefaultVehicleType
Gets or sets the full name of the default type that will be used to represent vehicles. The type must inherit from Vehicle. If null, Vehicle will be used.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description of the plugin.
Public propertyEntryPoint
Gets or sets the full name of the method to serve as entry point of the plugin (Eg. "EntryPoint.Main". If null, the first found method that's static, returns void and is named "Main" will be used.
Public propertyExitPoint
Gets or sets the full name of the method to serve as exit point of the plugin (Eg. "EntryPoint.OnUnload". If null, the first found method that's static, returns void, takes a bool and is named "OnUnload" will be used.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the plugin.
Public propertyPrefersSingleInstance

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this plugin prefers to only have one instance of itself loaded at any given time.

If true the plugin can still be loaded multiple times, but requires the force parameter of the LoadPlugin command to be set to true.

Public propertyShouldTickInPauseMenu

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this plugin should tick while the pause menu is open.

Public propertySupportUrl
Gets or sets the support URL for this plugin. If specified, this URL will be presented to the user if the plugin crashes (Or if the game crashes while the plugin was ticking).
See Also
