MathHelper Methods

RAGE Plugin Hook Documentation

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The MathHelper type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberAreDigitsIdentical
Gets whether all digits in the specified number are identical.
Public methodStatic memberAverageT
Public methodStatic memberChooseT(ICollectionT)
Gets a random object from the specified collection.
Public methodStatic memberChooseT(T)
Gets a random object from the specified array.
Public methodStatic memberClampT
Gets the specified value between the specified minimum and maximum values.
Public methodStatic memberConvertDegreesToRadians
Converts the specified angle in degrees to its equivalent in radians.
Public methodStatic memberConvertDirectionToHeading
Converts the specified direction to a heading.
Public methodStatic memberConvertHeadingToDirection
Converts the specified heading to its equivalent direction.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleConvertKilometersPerHourToMetersPerSecond
Converts the specified value from kilometers per hour to meters per second.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleConvertKilometersPerHourToMilesPerHour
Converts the specified value from kilometers per hour to miles per hour.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleConvertMetersPerSecondToKilometersPerHour
Converts the specified value from meters per second to kilometers per hour.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleConvertMetersPerSecondToKilometersPerHourRounded
Converts the specified value from meters per second to kilometers per hour and rounds the result.
Public methodStatic memberConvertMetersPerSecondToMilesPerHour
Converts the specified value from meters per second to miles per hour.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleConvertMilesPerHourToKilometersPerHour
Converts the specified value from miles per hour to kilometers per hour.
Public methodStatic memberConvertMilesPerHourToMetersPerSecond
Converts the specified value from miles per hour to meters per second.
Public methodStatic memberConvertRadiansToDegrees(Double)
Converts the specified angle in radians to its equivalent in degrees.
Public methodStatic memberConvertRadiansToDegrees(Single)
Converts the specified angle in radians to its equivalent in degrees.
Public methodStatic memberFaculty
Gets the faculty of the specified number.
Public methodStatic memberGetChance(Int32)
Gets a chance.
Public methodStatic memberGetChance(Int32, Int32)
Gets a chance.
Public methodStatic memberGetNumberLength
Gets the length of the specified number.
Public methodStatic memberGetOffsetPosition
Public methodStatic memberGetRandomAlphaNumericCharacter
Gets a random alpha numeric character.
Public methodStatic memberGetRandomDouble
Gets a random double precision floating point number between the specified minimum and maximum value, inclusive.
Public methodStatic memberGetRandomInteger(Int32)
Gets a random integer between 0, inclusive, and the specified maximum value, exclusive.
Public methodStatic memberGetRandomInteger(Int32, Int32)
Gets a random integer between the specified minimum and maximum value, inclusive.
Public methodStatic memberGetRandomSingle
Gets a random single precision floating point number between the specified minimum and maximum value, inclusive.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateLinearlyTo(Single, Single, Single, Single)
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateLinearlyTo(Rotator, Rotator, Single, Single)
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateLinearlyTo(Vector2, Vector2, Single, Single)
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateLinearlyTo(Vector3, Vector3, Single, Single)
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateTo(Single, Single, Single, Single)
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateTo(Rotator, Rotator, Single, Single)
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateTo(Vector2, Vector2, Single, Single)
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateTo(Vector3, Vector3, Single, Single)
Public methodStatic memberIsPowerOfTwo
Determines whether the specified number is a power of two.
Public methodStatic memberIsZeroOrPowerOfTwo
Determines whether the specified number is zero or a power of two.
Public methodStatic memberLerp(Double, Double, Single)
Gets a new value between the specified start and end values, designated by the percentage.
Public methodStatic memberLerp(Int32, Int32, Single)
Gets a new value between the specified start and end values, designated by the percentage.
Public methodStatic memberLerp(Int64, Int64, Single)
Gets a new value between the specified start and end values, designated by the percentage.
Public methodStatic memberLerp(Single, Single, Single)
Gets a new value between the specified start and end values, designated by the percentage.
Public methodStatic memberMaxT
Public methodStatic memberMedianT
Gets the median from the specified values.
Public methodStatic memberMinT
Public methodStatic memberNormalize
Normalizes the specified value.
Public methodStatic memberNormalizeHeading
Normalizes the specified heading.
Public methodStatic memberRotateHeading
Rotates the specified heading the specified number of degrees, and returns the normalized result.
Public methodStatic memberRoundToLowerTenth(Int32)
Rounds the specified integer to the nearest lower tenth.
Public methodStatic memberRoundToLowerTenth(Single)
Rounds the specified float to the nearest lower tenth integer.
Public methodStatic memberSquare(Double)
Gets the specified value multiplied by itself.
Public methodStatic memberSquare(Int32)
Gets the specified value multiplied by itself.
Public methodStatic memberSquare(Int64)
Gets the specified value multiplied by itself.
Public methodStatic memberSquare(Single)
Gets the specified value multiplied by itself.
Public methodStatic memberUnLerp(Double, Double, Double)
Gets the original percentage provided to Lerp, given the start, end and lerped value.
Public methodStatic memberUnLerp(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Gets the original percentage provided to Lerp, given the start, end and lerped value.
Public methodStatic memberUnLerp(Int64, Int64, Int64)
Gets the original percentage provided to Lerp, given the start, end and lerped value.
Public methodStatic memberUnLerp(Single, Single, Single)
Gets the original percentage provided to Lerp, given the start, end and lerped value.
See Also
