[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
Version v0.13.541.2492 was released on Sunday, June 21, 2015 UTC.
Fixed the SDK always showing version number 0.0.373.24.
RAGEPluginHook.exe now shows the correct version number instead of
Added console variable 'PluginTimeoutThreshold', with a default value of 3000 (Minimum 200, maximum 60000). Increase this value if plugins crash because they freeze the game for too long. Please note, that changing this value is a workaround. If a plugin causes the game to freeze for more than a few seconds, it has a problem that should be investigated by its developers.
Fixed keys being processed when the game was not in focus.
Game::DisplayNotification() now returns a handle to the created notification.
Game input is now blocked when the console is open, or when a form is open.
Added support for mods providing their own D3D11.DLL (such as ENB series).
Fixed startup.rphs script being executed long after the game has finished loading.
Added console variable 'ConsoleKey' with F4 as default. Can be any key from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.keys(v=vs.110).aspx
Added XML comment to Game::DisplayNotification().
Added Game::RemoveNotification().