PedInventory Properties

RAGE Plugin Hook Documentation

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The PedInventory type exposes the following members.


Public propertyEquippedWeapon

Gets the weapon currently equipped by the owning Ped.

Public propertyEquippedWeaponObject

Gets the object representing this weapon in the world.

Only weapons in the game world, and equipped by Peds have an object. Holstered weapons do not.

Public propertyHasFlashlight
Gets a value indicating whether this inventory has a flashlight.
Public propertyHasLoadedWeapon
Gets a value indicating whether this inventory contains a loaded weapon.
Public propertyHasParachute
Gets a value indicating whether this inventory has a parachute.
Public propertyPed
Gets the owning Ped of this inventory.
Public propertyWeapons

Gets a collection of all the weapons currently in this inventory.

See Also
