[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
Version v0.35.876.6821 was released on UNKNOWN UTC.
Added support for game patch 617.
Removed support for game patch 573.
Fixed a crash related to Euphoria.
Now checks if elevated privileges are required, and requests them automatically if so.
Added auto completion for console variables.
Fixed "missing author" warning on generated code plugins.
Fixed a crash in the crash handler, when the .NET stack trace could not be retrieved.
Fixed a bug in the console auto completion list that made the suggestion selection jump to the top of the list.
Fixed uneven spacing between suggestions in the console auto completion list.
It's now possible to use the mouse to click on suggestions in the console auto completion list.
It's now possible to scroll in the console auto completion list, by moving the selection beyond the first or last item, using the mouse wheel or by dragging on the scroll bar to the left of the list.
Now shows default values in the console when a variable is 'executed' without a value.
It's now possible to drag the text in the console horizontally to read text that goes beyond the screen limits.
Made it easier to grab the edge of the console to resize it, and made the edge highlight to indicate that it can be grabbed.
Native address lookup is now O(1).
Fixed PedInventory::EquippedWeaponObject spawning a new weapon object.
Fixed TaskInvoker::TakeCoverFrom() throwing an exception when the specified ped to take cover from was player controllered, instead of when the ped receiving the task was player controlled.
Fixed Vehicle::Passengers filling the array with invalid Peds for empty seats.
Fixed Vehicle::Occupants filling the array with invalid Peds for empty seats.
Fixed Vehicle::HasPassengers always returning true.
Fixed Entity::AttachTo() ignoring rotation parameter.
Added Ped::IsAnySpeechPlaying.
Added GameFiber::IsAlive.
Ctrl + Arrow Keys now moves the caret in the console to the next word boundary.