Player Properties

RAGE Plugin Hook Documentation

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Player type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAreWantedLevelStarsFlashing
Gets a value indicating whether the wanted level stars of this player are currently flashing.
Public propertyCanUseCover
Sets a value indicating whether this player can use cover.
Public propertyCharacter
Gets this player's character.
Public propertyDispatchCops
Sets a value indicating whether cops will be dispatched for this player.
Public propertyGroup
Gets this player's Group.
Public propertyHasControl
Gets a value indicating whether the player this instance represents currently has control.
Public propertyId
Gets the identifier of this instance.
Public propertyIndex
Gets the index of this instance.
Public propertyIsDead
Gets a value indicating whether this player is dead.
Public propertyIsDrivingAgainstTraffic
Gets a value indicating whether this player is currently driving against traffic.
Public propertyIsDrivingOnPavement
Gets a value indicating whether this player is currently driving on pavement.
Public propertyIsFreeAiming
Gets a value indicating whether this player is free aiming.
Public propertyIsFreeAimingAtAnyEntity
Gets a value indicating whether this player is free aiming at any Entity.
Public propertyIsIgnoredByEveryone

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this player is ignored by everyone.

If the player is ignored, Peds will still react to the player, but will not fire.

Does not prevent the player from getting a wanted level.

Public propertyIsIgnoredByPolice

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this player is ignored by police.

If the player is ignored, police will still react to the player, but will not fire.

Does not prevent the player from getting a wanted level.

Public propertyIsInvincible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this player is invincible.
Public propertyIsPlaying
Gets a value indicating whether this player is playing.
Public propertyIsPressingHorn
Gets a value indicating whether this player is currently pressing the horn.
Public propertyLastVehicle
Gets this player's last vehicle.
Public propertyModel
Gets or sets the model of this player.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this player.
Public propertyTimeSincePlayerLastDroveAgainstTraffic
Gets the time since this player last drove against traffic.
Public propertyTimeSincePlayerLastDroveOnPavement
Gets the time since this player last drove on pavement.
Public propertyTimeSincePlayerLastHitAnyPed
Gets the time since this player last hit any Vehicle with a Ped.
Public propertyTimeSincePlayerLastHitAnyVehicle
Gets the time since this player last hit any Vehicle with a Vehicle.
Public propertyWantedLevel
Gets or sets the wanted level of this player.
See Also
