Entity Properties

RAGE Plugin Hook Documentation

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Entity type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAbovePosition
Gets a position directly above this Entity.
Public propertyAngularVelocity
Gets or sets the rotational velocity of this entity.
Public propertyBelowPosition
Gets a position directly below this Entity.
Public propertyCanBeDamaged
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity can be damaged.
Public propertyCollisionIgnoredEntity
Gets or sets the Entity this entity currently ignores collisions from.
Public propertyCreatedByTheCallingPlugin
Gets a value indicating whether this instance was created by the calling plugin.
Public propertyDirection
Gets or sets the direction of this instance.
Public propertyForwardVector
Gets the forward vector of this instance.
Public propertyFrontPosition
Gets a position directly in front of this Entity.
Public propertyHandle
Gets the handle of this instance. Used to identify the instance within its pool.
Public propertyHasBeenDamagedByAnyObject
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity has been damaged by any Object.
Public propertyHasBeenDamagedByAnyPed
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity has been damaged by any Ped.
Public propertyHasBeenDamagedByAnyVehicle
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity has been damaged by any Vehicle.
Public propertyHeading
Gets or sets the heading of this instance in degrees.
Public propertyHealth
Gets or sets the health of this instance.
Public propertyHeight
Gets the height of this Entity.
Public propertyHeightAboveGround

Gets this entity's distance from the ground in 1D on the Z-axis.

The distance is measured from the entity's origin to the surface below the entity (Surfaces include roofs of buildings).

Public propertyInvincible Obsolete.
Sets a value indicating whether this instance is invincible.
Public propertyIsAlive
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is alive.
Public propertyIsBulletProof
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity can take damage from bullets.
Public propertyIsCollisionEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether collision is enabled for this entity.
Public propertyIsCollisionProof
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity can take damage from collisions.
Public propertyIsDead
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is dead.
Public propertyIsExplosionProof
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity can take damage from explosions.
Public propertyIsFireProof
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity can take damage from fire.
Public propertyIsGravityDisabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether gravity is disabled for this entity.
Public propertyIsInAir
Public propertyIsInvincible
Sets a value indicating whether this instance is invincible.
Public propertyIsInWater

Gets a value indicating whether this entity is currently in water.

Returns true the moment any part of the entity is touching water.

Public propertyIsMeleeProof
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity can take damage from melee attacks.
Public propertyIsOnFire
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is on fire.
Public propertyIsOnScreen
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is on the screen.
Public propertyIsPersistent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is persistent within the game world. Persistent instances will not be removed automatically during clean ups.
Public propertyIsPositionFrozen
Sets a value indicating whether the position of this entity is frozen.
Public propertyIsRecordingCollisions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity is recording collisions.
Public propertyIsRendered
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is currently being rendered.
Public propertyIsUpsideDown
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this entity is upside down.
Public propertyIsVisible

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is currently visible within the game world.

Invisible instances will still be processed but will not be rendered.

Public propertyLeftPosition
Gets a position directly to the left of this Entity.
Public propertyLength
Gets the length of this Entity.
Public propertyMaxHealth
Gets or sets the maximum health of this instance.
Public propertyMemoryAddress
Gets the memory address of this instance.
Public propertyCode exampleMetadata

Gets the metadata associated with this instance.

The value of this property can be used to store data about this instance.
Getting or setting metadata is done using the same syntax as getting or setting a property.
Internally the value is added to a dictionary with the specified property name as key.

Public propertyModel
Gets or sets the Model of this instance.
Public propertyNeedsCollision

Gets a value indicating whether this instance needs collision.

Entities not marked explicitly to need collision will still get collision, however, if other entities need collision, entities not marked as needing collision may lose it in favor of those.

Public propertyOpacity
Gets or sets the opacity of this instance.
Public propertyOrientation
Gets or sets the orientation of this instance.
Public propertyPosition
Gets or sets the position of this instance.
Public propertyQuaternion Obsolete.
Gets or sets the quaternion of this instance.
Public propertyRearPosition
Gets a position directly behind this Entity.
Public propertyRightPosition
Gets a position directly to the right of this Entity.
Public propertyRightVector
Gets the right vector of this instance.
Public propertyRotation
Gets or sets the rotation of this instance.
Public propertySpeed

Gets the speed of this Entity in meters per second.

This is equivalent of Velocity.Length().

Public propertySubmersionLevel
Gets a value indicating how submersed this entity is.
Public propertyUpVector
Gets the up vector of this instance.
Public propertyVelocity
Gets or sets the velocity of this entity.
Public propertyWidth
Gets the width of this Entity.
See Also
